Our Story

In the vibrant tapestry of AMORA, each thread spins a tale of resilience, empowerment, and the magic of love.
Our journey kicked off as a therapeutic escape, a dive into the world of embroidery where hands found healing and hearts danced with every meditative swirl.
A project slowly born by reclaiming creativity and finding solace in the rhythm of needle and thread. Serendipity intervened when I crossed paths with a mexican artisan, Lupita. An encounter that sparked a wild adventure that has led us to spend now four years among the Wixárika tribes in the Sierra de Jalisco. It was there that a special collaboration blossomed, seamlessly blending indigenous artistry with my own modern twist.
Today, AMORA isn't just a brand; it's a lively patchwork of earth and hearts, a celebration of craftsmanship, and a journey of self-discovery.